The Military Science Program-Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)


APMS/Department Chair, CPT Edgardo J. Alcala

Program Outreach Coordinator/Instructor, 1LT Clairence Rwiyaza

Office: SACII 2134
Phone: (310) 243-3017

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The Army Reserve Officer Training Corps is a leadership program designed to produce commissioned Army officers who serve full-time in the active Army, or part-time in the Army Reserve or the Army National Guard.  The Army ROTC program is very similar to the United States Military Academy at West Point, except much of the instruction is conducted at colleges.

California State University Dominguez Hills is a proud partner of the University of Southern California Army Reserve Officer Training Corps in hosting a program at CSUDH-the Mighty Toros Company!


Eligible applicants may apply for a scholarship.  The length of the scholarship in terms of number of semesters typically depends on the remaining time an applicant has left to graduate.  Normally, scholarship awards range from 4 to 2 years.  Scholarship benefits include full-tuition coverage or a $12,000 room and board allowance, plus $1,200 yearly book allowance, plus a monthly allowance ranging from $300 to $500 per month for ten months out of the year while in the program.  Cadets interested in serving in the Army Reserve or Army National Guard also receive extra pay each month through the Simultaneous Membership Program.


Basic eligibility to participate in the program include:

Age:  17-32 (scholarship Cadets must be under 31 by 31Dec of their commission year)

Citizenship:  US citizen or a US permanent resident close to obtaining citizenship

Dependency Status:  Single with no dependents or married with up to three dependents

Moral Qualifications:  No excessive and severe law violations.  Applicants cannot be in current probation.  Common citations such as speeding tickets are waiverable.

GPA:  2.5 cumulative to qualify for a scholarship.  2.0 to maintain the scholarship

Student Status:  Must be a full time student at a college or university at all times.

Height and Weight:  Must meet Army height and weight requirements.

Medical:  Must pass an Army Medical examination conducted at local civilian facilities.

Fitness:  Applicants must pass the Army Physical Fitness Test


MSL 101-Foundations of Officership
MSL 103L-Leadership Lab

MSL 102-Basic Leadership
MSL 104L- Leadership Lab

MSL 201-Individual Leadership
MSL 203L- Leadership Lab

MSL 202-Leadership and Teamwork
MSL 204L- Leadership Lab

Leader Training Course:  27 day course at Fort Knox, Kentucky for incoming Cadets with no previous military experience.  The course consists of teambuilding exercises, land navigation, basic rifle marksmanship, survival and riverine operations.

MSL 301-Leadership & Problem Solving
MSL 303L- Leadership Lab

MSL 302-Leadership and Ethics
MSL 304L- Leadership Lab

Leadership Development and Assessment Course:  27 day course at Fort Lewis, Washington intended to assess the future officer potential of each cadet.  The course consists of tactical operations, land navigation, and water survival training.

MSL 401-Leadership, Management and Training Management
MSL 4031L- Leadership Lab

MSL 402-Leadership Management
MSL 404L- Leadership Lab

MSL 411-Military History


Eligible applicants may apply for a scholarship.  The length of the scholarship in terms of number of semesters typically depends on the remaining time an applicant has left to graduate.  Normally, scholarship awards range from 4 to 2 years.  Scholarship benefits include full-tuition coverage or a $10,000 room and board allowance, plus $1,200 yearly book allowance, plus a monthly allowance ranging from $300 to $500 per month for ten months out of the year while in the program.  Cadets interested in serving in the Army Reserve or Army National Guard also receive extra pay each month through the Simultaneous Membership Program. 

The Army Officer

Army officers are the Army’s executive leaders and occupy key roles in various career fields in the Army.  Army officers are also highly valued in the private and government sector for their leadership and management skills.  Renowned Army officers include Generals Colin Powell, Ricardo Sanchez, Ann Dunwoody and David Petraeus.

Career Opportunities

Newly commissioned Army officers typically serve in leadership positions in specialties such as aviation, military intelligence, infantry, logistics, armor, field artillery, personnel services, and finance.  For more on the Army officer career branches visit:

Follow-on career opportunities for Army officers include positions in areas such as strategic intelligence, research and development, public affairs, foreign military attaches, recruiting and retention, military academy professors, comptrollers, and simulations.

Active duty Army officer pay is highly competitive with the civilian sector.  For pay tables, visit:

Army officers also receive full-medical, and dental coverage for themselves and their families.

Application Process

Serious applicants should visit, the Army ROTC offices at SACII 2134.