The College of Business Administration and Public Policy (CBAPP) Advisory Board is dedicated to the continuous improvement of the programs in CBAPP. The role of the board is two-fold. First, members provide advice, opinions and ideas on how to improve the College, including curriculum, programs, student recruitment and placement, and the general competitive environment affecting business, public administration, political science, economics, labor studies and applied studies education. The Board will be especially focused on emerging issues and trends in the relevant external environments. Second, the Board helps to improve the visibility and enhance the reputation of CBAPPs academic programs in the practitioner and general communities that the College serves.
The College of Business Administration and Public Policy Advisory Board normally consists of 20-25 Business and Public Administration industry leaders from local communities. The Board works closely with the Dean to improve the student experience and the College overall. Follow the links below to view the full list of current Advisory Board members and the by-laws.